BIZ INDIA Online News is your gateway to the hyper-growth, affluent market of South Asians in the United States. BIZ INDIA Online News replaced BIZ INDIA Magazine* in September 2010.

1 Million South Asian Households in the U.S. with $90 Billion in Buying Power

South Asians are people from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, the Maldives, and other islands, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tibet, and other countries. There are about five million South Asians in the United States. With an average estimated household size of five persons and average household income of about $90,000 (Census estimate) that translates into buying power of $90 billion.

Fast Growth of South Asians in the United States

Asian Indians constitute the largest component of South Asians in the U.S. According to Census 2010, the population of Asian Indians grew by almost 70 percent from 1.7 million in 2000 to 2.9 million in 2010. Along with other races through intermarriages, Asian Indians numbered nearly 3.2 million in the 2010 Census count, about two-thirds of the nearly 5 million South Asians in the U.S.

In the previous decade – from 1990 to 2000 – Asian Indians had grown 106 percent from 840,000 in 1990 to 1,700,000 in 2000, compared to only 11 percent growth for the entire United States population.

According to Census 2010, the Asian population (including Chinese, Filipinos and other Asians) grew faster than any other race group in the U.S. between 2000 and 2010. It grew more than four times faster than the overall U.S. population. The growth of Asians was 43 percent, from 10.2 million in 2000 to 14.7 million in 2010 (along with other races through intermarriages, they numbered 17.3 million). Comparatively, the overall U.S. population increased 9.7 percent, from 281.4 million in 2000 to 308.7 million in 2010.

Not Only Hyper-Growth, South Asians in the U.S. Are the Most Affluent, Most Highly Educated, the Most Entrepreneurial and Most Internet Savvy Population

The 2010 Census of the U.S. revealed data showing that South Asians have the highest income and net worth, the highest level of educational attainment, the largest number of business owners in proportion to their population, and the largest access and exposure to the Internet among all ethnic and race groups.

BIZ INDIA Online News features numerous accomplished people, uniquely outstanding companies and products, and stories on various industries that South Asians are into. News, features, opinion pieces covering India, the United States and the world are offered on this online news site.

A Great Advertising Medium

BIZ INDIA Online News enables you to reach South Asian executives at U.S. public corporations and private firms, South Asian owners of various businesses ranging in revenue from under $1 million to over $1 billion, and high net worth households through advertising on this online news site and through its unique SEALANDR Suite of 9 marketing services.

Email us at Info@BizIndia.net and one of our sales executives will call you to discuss your marketing needs.

Besides South Asian business owners and heads of households, BIZ INDIA Online News enables you to reach top-level South Asian executives at large U.S. companies. You can also reach out to a vast range of South Asian professionals including accountants, artists, computer consultants, doctors, engineers, information technologists, professors, scientists and people in other fields.

An Award-Winning Organization

BIZ INDIA Publications, a marketing and consulting organization, is publisher of BIZ Online News, and previously, of BIZ INDIA Magazine. The company and its management have won several awards for:

  • Journalistic and Editorial Excellence – awards from several media groups
  • Leadership – in developing alliances between South Asian business people and the larger society; and for
  • Community Service – contributing time, effort and publicity for worthy charitable causes.

The management of BIZ INDIA Publications has engaged the services of award-winning reporters, editors, photographers, graphic artists and writers to add outstanding value to BIZ INDIA Online News, and it is constantly seeking more such individuals. It also seeks experts on topics of interest to our readers. If you have an idea for an article or a suggestion for new content or even a new section, email us at Info@BizIndia.net

BIZ INDIA writers work for and contribute to other award-winning top-notch publications and news organizations such as: CNN, Forbes, Fortune, Gannett, Los Angeles Times, MSNBC, Newsday, New York Times, Reuters, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post.

BIZ INDIA Online News is a sophisticated business journal providing a superior means of research on, access to, and information about South Asian businesses and companies in the United States.

With broad-based coverage by experienced journalists in a full range of businesses that South Asian immigrants are engaged in, as well as of non-business fields, BIZ INDIA offers accurate feature articles of superior quality.

Market Savvy

BIZ INDIA is not just an online news site. It is a marketing organization that provides various services to help you reach more potential customers (of the type you are looking for) in different ways to develop long-term relationships with them.

Click on Request Media Kit to learn about these services. For advertisers, BIZ INDIA functions almost as a consultant organization, enabling you to tap into the highly desirable South Asian market in the United States.

To tap into the compelling South Asian market and advertise with us, call 732-651-0797, ext. 101 (Advertising) or email Info@BizIndia.net


* BIZ INDIA Magazine was founded in June 2002 and was published for 10 years until June 2011. It was described as “Your gateway to the hyper-growth, affluent market of South Asians in New Jersey and U.S.A.” The need to reach a national and to some extent, an international audience through he Internet, prompted the management to start BIZ INDIA Online News.  

BIZ INDIA Magazine was a full-color, glossy magazine that was an exciting gateway to the fastest-growing, most affluent, best-educated and most technologically-savvy immigrant population in the United States today: South Asians.

Having had experience in and exposure to the market of South Asians through BIZ INDIA Magazine since 2002, BIZ INDIA Online News is well-positioned to help you market your products and services to this sector of the population.