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Your Gateway to the Hyper-Growth, Affluent Market South Asians in NJ, the USA, INDIA & WORLD

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Why advertise in BIZ INDIA Magazine and use the marketing services of BIZ INDIA Publications?

To large corporations, medium-sized companies and small enterprises in the United States and in India seeking to sell their products and services to this highly desirable South Asian business and consumer market, BIZ INDIA Magazine is an incomparable advertising medium. The various marketing services we provide are a comprehensive means to enter and explore this market and to grow your sales and profits. ADVERTISE now in BIZ INDIA! Major Characteristics of the South Asian Market

Facts from the U.S. Census Bureau:

Census 2000 pointed out 3 superlatives that characterize South Asians: they constitute the fastest growing, most affluent and best-educated immigrant population in the United States.


Census 2000 figures provide a solid basis to the fact that Asian Indians, by far the largest component of South Asians, are growing the fastest – 106 percent from 1990 to 2000 – among all immigrant populations in the United States. As a comparison, the population of the U.S. as a whole grew just 11 percent in that 10-year period.

A Million More Asian Indians in Just Six Years!

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that the number of Asian India ns in the U.S. further jumped another 60 percent in just six years – another million persons – from 1.7 million in 2000 to 2.7 million in 2006.

Most Affluent of All U.S. Immigrants

The U.S. Census Bureau also shows that in the decade of the 1990s, Asian Indians had the highest income of all immigrants. In 2000, Asian Indians’ average annual household income was nearly $75,000 compared to the U.S. average annual household income of $57,000. Today, it is even higher. The average annual household income of BIZ INDIA readers is $131,500.

Best-Educated of All U.S. Immigrants

The U.S. Census of 2000 showed that 64 percent – almost two-thirds of all Asian Indians in the U.S. – held a Bachelor’s degree, compared to only 26 percent or about a quarter of all people over the age of 25 in the United States.

Over the last quarter century, College Board results have shown that Asian high school seniors (of which Asian Indians constitute a large part) have garnered on average 30 percent of all perfect ‘800’ math scores in the Scholastic Assessment Test even though they have constituted only about eight percent of all test-takers.

Large Numbers of Entrepreneurs:

Research shows that more than 50 percent of the heads of South Asian households in the U.S. own a business or engage in a profession wherein income potential is unlimited.

Asian-Indian Owned Businesses:

Growth Surpasses Every Other Immigrant Group

The U.S. Census Bureau shows that there were 166,737 Asian-Indian-owned businesses in 1997. Five years later, in 2002, that number jumped 38.6 percent to 231,179 Asian-Indian-owned businesses. (The Bureau showed that the number of Asian-Indian businesses have been growing more than three times the 10.3 percent increase for all businesses in the U.S.).

Asian-Indian Businesses Generate Over $100 Billion in Revenue

Using that rate of growth, it is estimated that there were 282,000 Asian-Indian businesses in the United States in 2006, doing $106 billion in sales volume. In New Jersey (a major circulation area for BIZ INDIA Magazine) the sales volume done by 19,131 Asian-Indian businesses was about $7.1 billion in 2002. In 2006, it was estimated New Jersey had about 24,000 Asian-Indian businesses generating about $9 billion in revenue.

There are many types of businesses that South Asians, particularly Asian Indians own. Owners of Hotels and Motels: Over $40 Billion in Value

Franchise Business Owners of All Kinds, Particularly Convenience Stores, Food Franchises and Gas Stations.

Be it a food franchise or any other type, you will likely find South Asian owners. Many own at least one unit, and some may own as many as a hundred or more units either in one state or in multiple states. The most common franchise businesses owned by South Asians are: convenience stores, gas stations and restaurants.

Research shows that nearly 50 percent of the heads of South Asian households in the U.S. own a business. Or, they are self-employed professionals, which is the nearest thing to owning a business, with the ability to earn an unlimited income, sometimes in the millions of dollars.

BIZ INDIA’s very reason for existence is to portray these individuals, so that others aspiring to achievement can learn from their failures and successes. The magazine’s subhead “Business and Professional Success – Affluent Lifestyles” states this purpose succinctly.

Top-Level Executives at U.S. Public Corporations

Many South Asians have reached the top positions in publicly-traded firms in the U.S., including some S&P 500 corporations. To tell their stories of struggle and triumph and inspire our readers to high achievement, we have featured them in BIZ INDIA. Reach them by advertising in BIZ INDIA.

Large Pools of Professionals

In South Asian communities in the United States, you are likely to find large numbers of self- employed professionals such as: accountants, bankers, computer consultants, doctors, engineers, investors, lawyers, nurses, professors and scientists. Here is notable information and statistics:

Computer and Information Technology Specialists

If your company is looking to outsource any service or establish a presence in India, ADVERTISE in the pages of BIZ INDIA Magazine to reach thousands of U.S.-based Indian owned technology firms.

Business process outsourcing (BPO) services:

Any of the various processes that U.S. companies employ relating to processing orders, delivering customer service, etc. can be done in India for a fraction of their current cost.

Legal services: Sorting, reading and interpreting thousands of pages of legal documents cost law firms tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars in manpower costs. Therefore many law firms utilize the services of lawyers and paralegals in India.

Medical services: South Asian professionals can provide you from billing, to x-ray analysis and anything medical service in between, including flying to India for a reasonably-priced operation by highly-trained surgeons.

Pharmaceuticals manufacturing: Several U.S. multinational firms in the pharmaceutical industry do some research and testing of drugs in India due to the presence of qualified chemists and other scientists over there. Manufacturing of some of their drugs is also cost-effective there due to the ample supply of labor in India.

Publishing: Many large publishing houses have set up branches in India to take advantage of lower costs of printing. Many of them also employ people in India to do related tasks such as copyediting, photography, photo editing and proof reading.

A Note on Indian and South Asian Doctors

One out of every 20 physicians in the United States is either from India or born of Indian parents. BIZ INDIA can help you connect with physician groups through the marketing services we provide. For example, one of them has 35,000 Indian doctors in its membership. South Asian medical graduates are probably the largest group of foreign medical graduates in the U.S. CONTACT US and speak to one of our one of our account executives now.

There are many other South Asian professionals that advertisers can reach through BIZ I NDIA. Stated above in bold letters are just a few professions they engage in.

To reach any of the above segments of the South Asian population, ADVERTISE now in BIZ INDIA!

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