By Metra Ferrari

This is the story of an entrepreneur who is really a testament to living the American
dream. His name is Eddie Kahn. He is currently the Master Franchisee for Anago
Cleaning Systems in Honolulu, and his is an incredible story of how he came to a be a
successful business owner.

Eddie Khan is from Bangladesh. He came to the United States in 1992 to escape political
and economic hardship. He obtained a student visa to be able to leave the country and he
felt very lucky to do so as the chances of obtaining a visa were one in 500.

Eddie came to the United States with only $450 to his name and was able to attend the
Colorado School of Mines for petroleum engineering through scholarships and grants.
Following graduation, Eddie worked in Alaska for a petroleum engineering training

He then moved to Hawaii where he simultaneously began working for a construction
engineering company and in timeshare sales. Eddie decided to go into business for
himself and started a recruiting company.

Since then, Eddie has run several businesses, including LA Weight Loss Centers Inc.,
Warrick Vacuum and Hawaiian Sign & Design. He is currently the Master Franchisee
for the Hawaii territory for Anago Cleaning Systems since January 2006.

Founded in 1989, Anago Cleaning Systems is based in Pompano Beach, Florida. It
has over 2200 unit locations nationwide. Anago has been ranked as one of the top 50
franchises for minorities.

Whereas minorities may have accounted for only 5 to or 6 percent of total franchisees
and as managers of company-owned units in 2000, the consensus is that today they
account for well in excess of 15 percent – quite a remarkable testament not only
to the industry’s reaching out to minorities, but also to the underlying values and
entrepreneurial talents that minorities contribute to franchise business in the United

Ranking as one of the top 50 franchises for minorities in the United States, the
executives of Anago Cleaning Systems have enabled several minority entrepreneurs to
get ownership for themselves, but not by themselves, as help and guidance is always
available to them.