Author: David B. Elliott, PhD, MCOptom, FAAO
Publisher: Elsevier Saunders – 318 pages
Book Review by: Nano Khilnani

A solid piece of evidence that the author David B. Elliott really cares for you – the optometry student, practitioner, or reader – understand and learn the material in this book is shown in the Preface itself. It summarizes what is covered in each of the nine chapters of this handy and very informative book, which also makes it very utilitarian.

A sign of his humility is also evident in his request for comments (to improve future editions) by providing his email address:

To further your learning as an optometry student, he even suggests that you ask the clinician, after the patient has left, why he or she chose certain eye examinations (from those available) with respect to their advantages, and the supporting evidence for them. You should also ask for their disadvantages, he advises.

A brief overview of what is contained in this book will inform you of its scope and coverage:

  1. Evidence-based Eye Examinations
  2. Communication Skills
  3. Assessment of Visual Function
  4. Refraction and Prescribing
  5. Contact Lens Assessment
  6. Assessment of Binocular Vision and Accommodation
  7. Ocular Health Assessment
  8. Variations in Appearance of the Normal Eye
  9. Physical Examination Procedures

If you are looking for material on other topics, you can look at the References section at the end of each chapter.

Material is laid out in each chapter with:

  • An outline at the beginning of each chapter  of the main topics to be discussed
  • Discussion of the main topics and its relevant subtopics
  • Presentation of charts throughout the chapter for detailed understanding
  • Presentation of tables throughout the chapter with data and interrelationships
  • Presentation of boxes throughout the chapter itemizing steps to an exam, e.g.
  • References at the end of the chapter listing books and articles for further study

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  1. Comprehensive Content – The most current, evidence-based answers available for every medical and surgical specialty.
  2. Trusted Answers – Content supplied by Elsevier, the world’s leading provider of health and science information.
  3. Unrivaled Speed to Answer – Faster, more relevant clinical answers, so you can spend less time searching and more time caring for patients.

This handy and highly useful book is due to the superior efforts of Dr. Elliott and the qualified contributors listed below.

David B. Elliott, PhD, MCOptom, FAAO is Professor of Clinical Vision Science at Bradford School of Optometry and Vision Science at the University of Bradford, Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Contributors of print material to the book:

Brandon T. Barrett, DipOptom, Bsc (Psychol), PhD; Catherine Chisholm, PhD, MCOptom; David B. Elliott, PhD, MCOptom, FAAO; John G. Flanagan, PhD, MCOptom, FAAO; Patricia Hrynchak, OD, FAAO, Konrad Pesudovs, BScOptom, PhD, PGDiploAdvClinOptom, MCOptom, FACO, FAAO, FCCISA; C. Lisa Prakopich, OD, MSc; and Craig A. Woods, PhD, PCertOcTher, MCOptom, DipCl, FAAO, FACO, FBCLA.

Contributors to electronic ancillary:

Matthew Cufflin, PhD, MCOptom – Lecturer; Edward Mallen, PhD, MCOptom – Reader in Physiological Optics; Annette Parkinson, PhD, MCOptom – Senior Lecturer; and Graham Mouat, PhD, MCOptom – Senior Lecturer and Clinic Director at Bradford School of Optometry and Vision Science at University of Bradford in Bradford, Yorkshire, United Kingdom.