Editors: Donald Y.M. Leung, MD; Stanley J. Szefler, MD; Francisco A. Bonilla, MD; Cezmi A. Akdis, MD; and Hugh A. Sampson, MD
Publisher: Elsevier – 553 pages
Book Review by: Hiro Motiram

This book aims to inform the reader, who is presumed to be a student or practitioner in pediatric allergies, and on the physiology and patho-physiology of (and responses to) allergic diseases such as atopic dermatitis, food allergy, immunodeficiency, rhinitis, and other related ailments, conditions, and situations.

This is the combined work of people who have the education, experience, expertise, and knowledge of the topics discussed in this book, and personal involvement with patients, primarily children who have, or have had the diseases covered within its pages.

Ninety-two specialists on allergology (the study of allergies), asthma, dermatology, immunology, laboratory medicine, microbiology, nutrition, otolaryngology, pediatrics, pulmonology, and rheumatology, from the United States and nine other countries – Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom – wrote the 58 chapters of this book that are organized around these nine Sections:

  1. General Concepts
  2. Immunologic Diseases
  3. Immune-Directed Therapies
  4. Diagnosis and Treatment of Allergic Disease
  5. Upper Airway Disease
  6. Asthma
  7. Food Allergy
  8. Allergic Skin Diseases
  9. Other Allergic Diseases

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Systematic organization and presentation of materials is one of the good features of this book. Take a look at an important and interesting chapter in this book: chapter 48 entitled Management of Food Allergy, which is a relatively short chapter on pages 420 to 429. This is one of 10 chapters – 40 to 49 – in Section G on Food Allergy that are laid out from page 365 through 437.

The authors of chapter 48 are Ms. Marion Grotech, MS, and Hugh A. Sampson, MD. They are both affiliated with the Jaffe Food Allergy Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. Ms. Grotech is director of its nutrition services and Dr. Sampson is director of the institute.  Among other matters, this chapter discusses allergies on the following foods: cow’s milk, eggs, peanuts, soybeans, and wheat.

Like all chapters, the materials laid out in this chapter have the same basic organizational  elements. The italicized elements will be found in all chapters, and the non-italicized elements will be different depending on the subject matter of each chapter.

  • Chapter Title
  • Author Bylines
  • Key Points (in boxed form)
  • Overview
  • Avoidance Diets – General
  • Nutrition
  • Common Allergan Elimination Diets in Early Childhood
  • Oral Food Challenges
  • Conclusions
  • Key References

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Here below are important reasons for owning this book.

  • Apply the latest knowledge and clinical applications with new evidence-based principles of medical care to help you make the best use of available medications for your patient
  • Take full advantage of the major advances in pathophysiology and new developments and guidelines in diagnosis and management of allergic, asthma, and immunologic diseases
  • Obtain the best results from the newest therapeutics for pediatric allergic and immunologic diseases through new chapters examining biologic therapies; potential immunotherapeutic strategies for treating food allergies, and fully updated chapters covering gene therapy, stem cell therapy, and a host of new immunodeficiency diseases
  • Expert Consult eBook included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices

If your practice is pediatrics, this is a must-have book. The information provided in it on children’s allergies of various kinds by the authors, who have specific knowledge and insight, is very valuable.



Donald Y.M. Leung, MD is Professor of Medicine at University of Colorado; and Edelstein Family Chair of Pediatric Allergy-Clinical Immunology at National Jewish Health in Denver, Colorado.

Stanley J. Szefler, MD is Director of the Pediatric Asthma Research Program at Breathing Institute Section of Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine at Children’s Hospital Colorado, and Professor of Pediatrics at University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine in Aurora, Colorado.

Francisco A. Bonilla, MD, PhD is Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, and Director of the Clinical Immunology Program in the Division of Immunology at Boston Children’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.

Cezmi A. Akdis, MD is Professor of Immunology, Director of the Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF) at University of Zurich in Davos, Switzerland; Director (Speaker) of the Christine Kuhne – Center of Allergy Research and Care (CK-CARE); and Chair of International Coalition on Allergy Asthma and Immunology (iCAAAL).

Hugh A. Sampson, MD is Kurt Hirschhorn Professor of Pediatrics, Dean for Translational Biomedical Sciences; Director of Conduits (Mt. Sinai’s CTSA Program); and Director of Jaffe Food Allergy Institute in the Department of Pediatrics at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, New York.