Author: Natasha Terk
Publisher: Write It Well Publishers; 236 pages
Book Review by Sonu Chandiram
Natasha Terk has written other books relating to writing well. Besides this one – Professional Writing Skills – she has written books on business letters, emailing, grammar, performance reviews, reports and proposals.
She is not only a writer, she is a specialist on writing well. Her books pertain to business writing, and in my view, the best qualified person to write on any field is someone who has practical experience in that endeavor, rather than just academic knowledge on it.
She started a company in 1980 appropriately named Write It Well, of which she is president. This firm develops books, workshops, webinars and how-to-guides that provide practical, relevant information, techniques and strategies on improving business communication.
Professional Writing Skills is basically a reference work. This is the best format for a book on such a subject, because who can remember all the correct ways of writing something – all the rules and details? Even news reporters who typically write every day, and copy editors who read and correct a large volume of news writing everyday, have reference books that guide them on form, grammar, spelling, style and other writing details.
The book is very well organized. It starts out with an outline of seven basic lessons and each lesson has sections. What makes the book very useful are exercises. It helps the reader do practical writing in order to develop the necessary skills. Practice writing is essential to becoming a good writer, just as practice in any activity is crucial to success.
Natasha Terk has written an excellent book. Given that one of the keys to a profitable business is communication, we cannot overestimate the value that this book provides. Purchase and read this book for your success.