Milton Paris

Milton Paris

Business people, owners, presidents, managers, and salespeople come up with excuses when they are not performing at their best. They tend to blame others for their failures. Excuses, with over forty years of experience as a business development consultant, I have heard so many excuses, I could write a book listing them, and I know it would be a best seller.

One of my new clients once said if he had $100.00 for every excuse he had made he would be a wealthy man today. But we all know excuses don’t pay the bills; excuses take us away from our goals. By making excuses we stand frozen in cement and do not move forward with our dreams. It’s easier to say “I could not accomplish that” and use a dime-a-dozen excuse than put in the hard work on achieving our dream goals.

Excuses, excuses, excuses. How many times have you heard an excuse like the following examples?

  • We didn’t make our goals for the month because two of our salespeople did not call on enough potential clients. 
  • I cannot smile or be happy when I am in my office because I don’t have a good working staff. 
  • I don’t like my job so I just show up and go through the motions.
  • Today I travel more but make less money because my commission was cut.
  • I spend more time in my business then I do at home.
  • I used to work 5 days a week, now I work 6, and I’m trying to keep the company afloat.

We always look for excuses when we don’t achieve our goals and ask the tough questions. Why can’t I get a better job? Why can’t I make more money? Why can’t I have a new car like my neighbors? When you ask yourself this type of question, instead of making excuses, design achievable goals.

Stop telling yourself what you cannot do, and start now on what you can do. We are put on this earth to do well in business and in our personal lives. We have the power to do whatever we want if we don’t use excuses.

Let’s make a list of every excuse you have used in the last few years that is holding you back. After making an honest list of all of your excuses, take a match to it and burn it to ashes. Now let’s start with positive feelings and move forward. If for some reason you cannot get a mentor, email and I promise you after one meeting with me you will make the list and start toward your rewards.


Milton J. Paris is president of Getting Ahead in Business and a motivational speaker. Paris will host a Business Meet N’ Greet at 11:30am – 1:30pm on Thursday March 19 at Bonefish Grill, 55 US Route 9, Manalapan, NJ. Admission is $15. Space is limited MUST RSVP contact Paris at 732-306-0040 or Email For more information, visit If you have any business questions, don’t make excuses, contact Milton J. Paris